Kenya Currency, Credit Card and Bank Information

kenya currency

How to transact in Kenya: Kenya Currency, Credit Card and Bank info

Kenya Currency: Kenya shillings (Kshs)

Approximate Exchange Rate:

  • Kshs 155 to £1 GBP
  • Kshs 102 to $1 US Dollar
  • Kshs 112 to 1 Euro

For latest Kshs exchange rates see Today’s Exchange Rate

All the major Credit cards are widely accepted in the city hotels, city restaurants and city shops but this may not be the case in the rural areas.  A commission charge is normally added to any transactions using a credit card. Travelers cheques may be cashed in a bank but this may be a somewhat lengthy process. The smaller safari lodges and camps or rural hotels may not all accept travelers cheques or credit cards and where they do they may give an unfavourable exchange rate or add a surcharge, so it is recommended that you obtain whatever local currency you may need on safari in advance by drawing cash from an ATM at a bank in Nairobi using a VISA card.

Banking Hours:

Monday to Friday: 09.00-14.00 (16.30 in the major cities). The airport banks are open until midnight every day. Banks typically give a better exchange rate than hotels and we recommend you change some money at the bank upon arrival. In Nairobi, the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) has a bank located in the corner of the arrivals hall. ATM cash machines are available at Nairobi airport and in most major towns allowing cash to be drawn using an international Visa card with a P.I.N.

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